健身和水疗 - TR Therapy

Interhotel Central


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TR Therapy

Most common applications:

Cervical Pain –  is a common condition four in five people will suffer from at some point of their life. TR-Therapy relieves cervical pain through the process of myorelaxation during which the blood perfusion of the area is heightened and the trigger points relieved. TR-Therapy combines well with massage of the affected muscles, post-isometric relaxation (PIR) and muscle activation. All of which help relieve muscles in the cervical region and learn proper motion stereotypes.

Low Back Pain –  is caused primarily by high tension of the paravertebral muscles of the lumbar spine and large back muscles. TR-Therapy increases blood perfusion of the area both superficially and in depth. When combined with a manual technique of e.g. TR-Therapy Massage Technique the relief from either acute or chronic pain is immediate and long-lasting.

Gonalgia (Pain of the knee) –  is a rather limiting condition leading to antalgic hold of posture resulting in bad locomotion stereotypes causing overload of other muscle groups and their pain and stiffness. TR-Therapy helps in two ways – in combination with manual Massage Technique and stretching, it relieves pain and hypertonous muscles and prevents surgery. If surgical treatment is required, TR-Therapy can be used post-surgery to provide healing support and faster recovery.

Trigger Points in Cervical Region – overuse or trauma to the muscles that support the shoulders and neck are a common cause of cervical myofascial pain. Upon examination, the therapist locates the hyperirritable area – the trigger points. Using TR-Therapy capacitive mode increases blood perfusion in the superficial area. In the next step, resistive mode focuses radiofrequency energy into the previously located trigger points and relieves them. TR-Therapy for treatment of trigger points gives even better results when combined with manual techniques using the TR-Therapy concept e.g. TR-Therapy Massage Technique or TR-Therapy Passive Motion Technique.

Painful Shoulder – frozen shoulder is a painful condition limiting the range of motion in the shoulder joint, affecting daily activities such as brushing one’s hair, turning the lights on/off etc. After the acute stage, TR-Therapy can be applied. Initially, TR-Therapy works athermally and reduces inflammation. Consequently TR-Therapy is applied thermally to affect surrounding muscles, which were previously inhibited or overloaded. We facilitate the inhibited muscles and relax the overloaded ones. TR-Therapy reduces pain and allows the patient to return to daily activities – but painles.

Ankle Distortion – swelling in the ankle area occurs as a part of the inflammatory response or as a result of the lymphatic system insufficiency. If not treated in acute phase, it can fibrotize and become chronic. TR-Therapy eliminates edema through athermic process. TR-Therapy restores capillary permeability caused by the trauma and increases activity of the lymphatic system ending in faster drainage, healing and edema resorption.

The price:
20 min. –   800 CZK
30 min. – 1000 CZK
45 min. – 1400 CZK



对于完全恢复体能并且重新得到健康的身体酒店自己提供广泛的预防性和治疗性的浴疗服务流程, 这些服务全在专业人员的监督下完成。我们的医生将与您一通完成最详细的检查并给你提供针对您个人的引用处方和疗养计划。 最短停留时间: 7 天住宿. 对于成功的治疗,建议停留时间在14-28天住宿 主治 • 消化道疾病- 功能性消化不良,胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡,食道炎,慢性肝炎,胆囊炎,胰腺炎,肠炎和胃部手术后的状况 • 代谢紊乱- 血脂紊乱,糖尿病,痛风,肥胖症 • 肌肉与骨骼疾病- 脊椎退行性疾病,大关节病,痛风性关节炎 • 癌症后的康复- 消化系统,血液病,乳腺癌,全部抗肿瘤治疗后无活性临床症状 • 其他疾病- 牙周炎,循环系统疾病,非结核呼吸系统疾病 全部的水疗过程包括: • 住宿 • 半膳或全膳 (有专业营养师指导的饮食方案) • 入住后的医疗检查 • 根据医学指征的实验室检测 (7-12 天 = 葡萄糖检测+血常规检测,, 13-20 天 = 葡萄糖检测 + 血常规检测 + 尿常规检测+心电图, 21 天或更多= 葡萄糖检测+血常规检测+尿常规检测+心电图+生物化学检测) • 根据医生处方的饮用疗法 • 根据医生处方的一周18个程序的治疗18 •...


您可以从中央国际酒店在众多温泉,治疗和健康保养或美容流程中选择。针对客户的护理由我们酒店有资格的护士和专业的康复护理人员执行。这些仅在我们酒店就可以全部办好。 订购流程 (非本酒店顾客也可以预订) 如果您希望预订治疗流程,预约其他的流程套餐或者不懂得如何预订合适的流程,请您不要犹豫致电给我们,电话号码 +420 353 182 630 或者发邮件至: info@interhotel-central.cz

